When you decide to replace your roof, it’s a good idea to research the best roofing contractor in your area. But it’s also important to decide on the type of roofing system that would work best for your home.

In the process of doing your research, you might encounter some of the most famous roofing systems in the world. Imagine all the planning and all the man-hours and materials it took to build such iconic silhouettes. You might learn a thing or two that might apply to the type of roof you want.
Here are two of the best examples of famous roofs from around the world:
Sydney Opera House
The roof of the Sydney Opera House was inspired by Australia’s maritime history. The roof is made of pre-cast concrete “shells” and represents a ship’s billowed sails. Jørn Utzon, a Danish architect, designed the roof, which was completed in 1973. Out of more than 200 participants from different architects from around the world, Utzon was the winner of a design competition held by the government of New South Wales.
The roof is composed of 1,056,000 glazed-white granite tiles. These tiles, imported from Sweden, were designed to be self-cleaning. Just like every roof, however, this one is exposed to the weather, so it still requires roof repair and replacement now and then.
Chrysler Building
This building, located in New York City, has one of the most famous Art Deco designs in the world, and it’s also the planet’s tallest building built with bricks. The seven terraced arches of the roof are designed in a sunburst pattern. The 925-foot roof is topped with a 122-foot spire.
New York architect William Van Alen designed the building, which was built between 1928 and 1930. At the time of its completion, the Chrysler building was the tallest manmade structure in the world, surpassing the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was also the world’s tallest building, surpassing the Trump Tower in Lower Manhattan. Only eleven months later, however, those distinctions were passed on to the neighboring Empire State Building, which held them for 40 years.
The roof and overall design of the Chrysler Building inspired other famous buildings, including Philadelphia’s One Liberty Place and Dubai’s Business Central Towers. It took only 90 minutes for the workers to raise the roof’s towering spire, completing the building on May 27, 1930. The building, particularly its iconic roof, is so popular that it is featured in movies like Armageddon (1998), Men in Black 3 (2012), and The Avengers (2012), as well as in TV shows and video games.
You might not need as iconic or as luxurious a roof as the two examples here, but you still need top-quality workmanship and materials. Get in touch with Quality One Roofing Inc. We offer roofing restoration, maintenance, and replacement. Call us at these numbers: Malvern (610) 489-3057, Newtown (215) 493-4550, Princeton (609) 921-8868, and New Castle (302) 656-1618. You can also fill out the form on this page.
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