Like most exterior components, your siding requires care and attention to ensure it does its function of protecting your home against the weather and contributing to its energy efficiency. Here are four tips on how you can keep it in good condition for years to come.
1. Conduct visual inspections. This is vital to making sure your siding still looks beautiful and functional. This should be done regularly to determine whether some of the panels require repairs or replacement. Before more problems arise that may impact your home’s structure, make sure to include your siding in your monthly home maintenance tasks.
2. Keep it clean. You don’t want your siding to look old and worn down early in its lifespan. The presence of deep-seated stains and mold streaks can detract from the curb appeal of your home, so make sure you wash your siding occasionally. Cleaning is easy – all you need is a mixture of soapy water and water from a garden hose.
3. Keep heat away. Siding damage can occur as a result of excessive heat. If you have a grill, torch or any other item that produces heat, make sure not to put it close to the siding. Doing so otherwise may create a fire hazard.
4. Replace your old siding. If your siding is extremely old and keeping up with maintenance is costing you a lot, then the only option left is to have it replaced. Make sure to contact your local siding contractor for this. It’s also good to replace your old siding since moisture can be trapped underneath it. This way, you are also protecting your home from water damage and its associated risks like mold, mildew and structural issues.
Quality One Roofing Inc offers siding products made of components that help to protect your home and increase resistance to harsh weather and fluctuating temperatures. As part of our services, we’ll work closely with you to determine which products will effectively meet your goals. We will only use best-in-class products for your project. Give us a call today at (888) 301-ROOF (7663), or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.
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